How can I refer my patient to CHKD's medical genetics and metabolism practice?

  • Urgent consultations (providers) call Doctors Direct at (757) 668-9999
  • Non-urgent referrals (providers) call (757) 668-9723

When will my patient be able to obtain an appointment?

Your patient’s records will be reviewed by one of our genetic counselors and they will determine the appropriate appointment type: with the geneticist or with a genetic counselor. If additional records or information are needed prior to scheduling an appointment, someone from the team will reach out to you. We will call the patient to schedule an appointment.  

What work-up is needed prior to the first appointment?

After referring your patient, please send their growth charts and any metabolic and/or genetic testing, including DNA-based testing and/or a chromosomal microarray or blood chromosome analysis, with patient for their appointment. Documents can also be faxed to (757) 668-9724 after a referral is made. Evaluations by ophthalmology and cardiology are recommended in cases of possible connective tissue disorder.

Where will my patient be seen?

The medical genetics and metabolism office is located at CHKD (Norfolk) on the second floor.