Dr. Megan Bazil CHKD Blocks

(757) 668-6700
Board Certifications

American Board of Pediatrics


Medical School: University of Maryland

Residency: Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters


Dr. Bazil has been with General Booth Pediatrics since 2007. She trained at CHKD as an intern and a resident. She then went on to serve as Chief Resident.

Dr. Bazil says she was fortunate to train under wonderful mentors in various specialties. She’s confident referring her patients to the specialists she knows and trusts. Her goal is to treat her patients with the same care she’d expect for her own children.

Clinical Interests
  • Asthma
  • Hematology
Honors & Awards
  • Resident of the Year, CHKD, 2004-2005
  • Chief Resident, CHKD, 2006-2007
Community Involvement and Memberships
Upward Basketball Coach, 2011 – present
Bazil M, Henshaw R, Werner A, Lowe E. Aggressive Digital Papillary Adenocarcinoma in a 15-year-old Female. Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 09/2006; 28(8):529-30.
A Note from Dr. Bazil

"When searching for residencies I wanted to train at a children's hospital dedicated solely to children. I love that every aspect of CHKD is geared towards children and their unique problems and I know that my patients can receive the best care in a friendly environment."