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Medical-Psychiatric Unit

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Phone: (757) 668-6011

Children watching TV at Children's Pavilion

Mental Health Care at CHKD

Addressing the Needs of Our Region

CHKD's Mental Health Program is committed to caring for the mental health needs of our community's children. Our exceptional team of mental health clinicians provide a coordinated continuum of inpatient, outpatient, and day treatment programs, as well as conduct research to better understand and serve the needs of children facing mental health challenges.

VIDEO | Take a tour and learn more about our medical-psychiatric unit.

Medical-Psychiatric Unit

Located at the main hospital, our medical-psychiatric unit treats patients in need of both physical and mental health care.

The seven-bed unit integrates our mental health team with nursing and medical providers for an interdisciplinary approach for children who need both immediate medical treatment, and who also have mental health concerns.

Each patient room is designed to keep children and staff safe. A multipurpose room on the unit integrates mental health treatment into patients' daily schedules, such as group therapy, coping skill development, and mindfulness training. The unit also includes a room designated to give patients having a difficult time a place to safely calm down using music, textured wall surfaces, and other techniques.

Nursing and mental health staff are specially trained to work together to help children with both physical and mental health care concerns get the services they need.

The unit is a component of CHKD's new mental health hospital and serves as a bridge for children between the acute care setting and their return home or to a mental health facility.