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MyCHKD Patient Portal

MyCHKD offers secure, online access to your child's health information as well as tools to help you communicate more efficiently with your CHKD provider's office. If you haven't done so already, please register for a MyCHKD account in person at your provider's office.

Already have a MyCHKD account? Login below.

Login to Your Child's MyCHKD Account 

Frequently Asked Questions about MyCHKD

Why should I register for a MyCHKD account?

With a MyCHKD account, parents/legal guardians can:

  • View your child's lab results
  • Review medications and allergies
  • Request a copy of your child's immunization record
  • View appointment dates
  • Send and receive messages from your provider
  • Request prescription refills
  • Ask a question about your bill
  • Schedule or cancel appointments
How do I get started?

Parents/legal guardians must register for a MyCHKD account in person at their provider's office. This only takes a few minutes. After that, you will receive an e-mail at the address you provide with instructions on how to set up an account. 

Please note: if you provide a shared e-mail address, anyone you share that address with will also be able to see the e-mail.

What should I take with me to the office to register?

Please make sure you bring your picture ID to the provider's office to register for a MyCHKD account.

Do I have to have a computer?

You can set up a MyCHKD account on any mobile phone, tablet or computer that has internet access.

How long does it take to set up the account?

Setting up a new account is simple. The whole process should take about five minutes.

Are my child’s records still private?

CHKD is very serious about protecting the privacy of your child’s medical information. We treat online information with the same high degree of confidentiality that we give to all other patient information.

Read Our Notice of Privacy Practices

Read Our Web Privacy Policy

What about e-mail privacy?

MyCHKD account holders should be aware that they will be notified by e-mail for certain features, including activation. This means that any person with access to their e-mail inbox will be able to see this notification.

Can anyone have a MyCHKD account?

MyCHKD is offered to parents/legal guardians of children ages birth to 14. With written permission of a parent/legal guardian, a teen may establish a MyCHKD account at age 14.

Authorization for Teenager Access to MyCHKD Patient Portal 

Trouble Accessing Your MyCHKD Account?

If you are having trouble accessing your MyCHKD account, please contact your provider's office for assistance.

Medical Records Requests

To request a full, legal copy of your child's medical recordsplease review the information found here.

Download the HealtheLife App

HealtheLife App IconOnce a parent/guardian has been granted access to their MyCHKD account, they can download the HealtheLife app on any mobile device in the Apple store or Google Play. Once downloaded, simply sign in with your MyCHKD account username and password and select Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters for convenient access to your child's health information online.