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Exterior shot of Children's Pavilion
Children's Pavilion

Children's Pavilion is the center of our mental health program offering prevention and day programs, acute inpatient and partial hospitalization, follow-up care, and research.

Get Directions to Children's Pavilion
Interior shot of Children's Pavilion with the IIDA Logo
Award-Winning Design

Every detail of Children's Pavilion has been designed to respect the needs, privacy, and dignity of our patients as they undertake very important therapeutic work.

See Our Floor By Floor Guide
Children's Pavilion Lobby
Art and Healing

From the artistry of the 14-story architecture, to the stunning artworks, Children’s Pavilion is designed to bring comfort, inspiration and healing to all who enter its doors.

See Artworks Created Especially for Children’s Pavilion

Mental Health Care

CHKD's mental health program includes experts in the fields of child psychiatry and psychology, nurse practitioners and psychiatric nurses, clinical social workers, professional counselors, medical social workers, and mental health coaches and technicians.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, please dial 988 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255. Someone is available 24 hours a day in English or Spanish.

Telehealth Appointments Available

CHKD providers offer secure and convenient appointments via telehealth. This means that your child can get the care they need from the CHKD physician you trust, all from the safety and comfort of your home.

Our Team Approach to Care

CHKD's mental health care team strives to collaborate closely with primary care pediatricians, pediatric specialists, and caregivers on early identification of mental health vulnerabilities and to integrate care across our health system whenever possible.  Learn more about your CHKD mental health care team here.

Our Mental Health Services

Inpatient and Emergency Mental Health Care

Many inpatient admissions to Children’s Pavilion will begin in the emergency department at CHKD’s main hospital. When our mental health team determines that a child needs inpatient care, the patient is medically cleared and an available bed at Children’s Pavilion is assigned.

Learn more about inpatient and emergency mental health care at CHKD.

Outpatient Mental Health Care

Mental health care combined with other routine medical services on an outpatient basis.

Learn more about outpatient mental health services at CHKD.

Partial Hospitalization Program

The partial hospitalization program (PHP) at CHKD provides mental health services for children and adolescents who require coordinated, structured, and interdisciplinary treatment within a consistent environment.

Learn more about our partial hospitalization program.

Referral Information and More for Providers

Referral information, clinical consultation, and training programs for medical professionals. Learn more at each of the links below.

Refer to Mental Health at CHKD

Clinical Consultation and Training Programs for Providers

Symptoms of Mental Health Conditions

It is important to recognize behaviors in children that may be symptoms of a mental health diagnoses. These symptoms may include any of the following and may occur in a variety of settings (home, school, with peers or family members):

  • Significant changes in sleep or appetite.
  • Social isolation (withdrawing from friends or activities they once enjoyed).
  • Self-injurious behavior such as head banging or cutting.
  • Significant changes in mood when compared with previous mood levels.
  • Talk about death or dying, for example: “It would be easier if I wasn’t here.”

If You Need Help

If you are concerned about your child's mental health, the best place to start is with your child's primary care pediatrician. Many of  CHKD's pediatricians have completed advanced training in the management of disorders such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety. If needed, they can also refer patients to CHKD's outpatient mental health providers or the CHKD emergency room for urgent needs. As always, call 911 if anyone's life is in danger. Learn more about where to start and what to expect here.

Refer to Our Mental Health Program

CHKD is working hard to build a Mental Health Program with care access opportunities for all children in need. We currently have a high volume of requests and partner with mental health agencies outside of CHKD to ensure all children referred receive an appropriate treatment resource. Find inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization referral information here.

Meet Our Mental Health Care Team

African American teen male speaking to a mental health professional.

Psychiatry and Psychology

Psychiatry and psychology at CHKD provides provider consultation, psychiatric assessment, psychological testing, and state-of-the-art treatment to support and promote mental health in children and teens.

White teen female patient talking to a mental health professional.

Mental Health Therapy

CHKD’s clinical social workers (LCSWs) and mental health counselors offer outpatient mental health assessments as well as individual and group therapy on our main hospital campus in Norfolk and CHKD locations throughout the region.

Children's Pavilion Entrance From Garage

Art that Elevates the Human Spirit

See exquisite artworks created especially for Children’s Pavilion from esteemed artists like Joseph Wardwell, Paul Villinski, and Ann Gardner, to name a few.

Our Locations