Autism Interdisciplinary Clinic
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For more information about our Autism Interdisciplinary Clinic, please call (757) 668-7473.
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About Our Autism Interdisciplinary Clinic
Our care team has extensive training in a variety of assessment protocols and includes four clinical psychologists and two neurodevelopmental/developmental behavioral pediatricians with expertise in working with children on the autism spectrum.
This program has been designated by the Virginia Department of Health as the Child Development Center for our region. Our autism care coordinator provides support and resources for newly diagnosed patients and families, and families going through the assessment process.
Autism Assessment Process
Referrals for an autism assessment are made after an initial appointment with one of our medical developmental specialists or psychologists. Upon referral, your child will complete the following three-step assessment process:
Step One
Our team will complete a neurodevelopmental history and examination of your child to better understand their history and to determine which assessments are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. During this appointment additional testing will be recommended if needed. Standardized developmental assessments will be administered to better understand your child’s needs.
Step Two
The assessment process begins and will take one to three appointments to complete. Our program follows the national guidelines for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. All autism assessments may include the following:
- Behavior rating scales from parents and teachers/daycare providers, including autism-related symptoms
- Parent measure of adaptive functioning
- An autism diagnostic observation schedule(ADOS-2)
- Measures of cognitive, memory, and attention are administered on a case-by-case basis
- Academic screen through to education consultants
- Speech and occupational evaluations
Step Three
Our team will review the results of all testing protocols, including rating scales, measures completed by the psychologist, and additional assessments completed by other providers. At the end of the assessment process, families will receive a copy of the completed evaluation, prepared autism resource packet (with community resources), a referral to our autism resource coordinator, and long-term follow-up care (including medication management).