CHKD values its relationships with the vendors and contractors conducting business at our facilities. We recognize that vendors and contractors, by virtue of training, education, knowledge, and expertise, frequently serve as a valuable resource to the staff and clinical teams at CHKD.

CHKD is committed to providing a safe workplace environment for patients, visitors, and team members while allowing efficient vendor access that minimizes disruption to patient care. CHKD is also committed to providing the highest quality care to our patients and conducting our business with integrity and in compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. To our valued vendors and contractors, please take a moment to review our vendor access policy here.

Topics covered in the vendor access policy include:

  • Registration and badging
  • Green security registration
  • 24-hour vendor access
  • Visitation requirements
  • General supply chain/purchasing guidelines
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Vendor representatives in restricted patient care areas
  • Compliance and non-compliance
  • General facility information

Other Important Documents 

For questions regarding CHKD’s vendor access program, feel free to contact the CHKD supply chain team at (757) 668-9476 or email