Support for Parents of NICU Babies
The NICU at CHKD has support staff, parent support groups and other programs that are available to help parents, through this journey.
Help Is Always Here
Members of your support team include social workers, parent support coordinators, chaplains, and lactation consultants. But NICU families often can use more help. Below are some of the other ways in which CHKD can help.
Your NICU support coordinator is a member of your support team who has walked in your shoes. Whether you need to talk, want to find a primary nurse, need advice on advocating during medical rounds, or are confused about who’s who in this big unit, please stop by the desk across from the NICU store, or ask your nurse to page the support coordinator.
Classes and Calendar
CHKD's NICU offers a variety of classes and events designed to aid you in the process. Ask your parent support coordinator for this month's schedule.
In addition to providing education about your baby, these classes are designed to help you meet and connect with other NICU families. No one knows what it’s like to be a NICU parent better than another NICU parent. Learn more about NICU University.
Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby
CHKD’s Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby support group helps new and expectant mothers and their families overcome anxiety and depression by providing free support, information and resources. This group meets on the first Tuesday afternoon of every month, specifically for NICU moms, as well as on the third Wednesday evening of every month for all moms.
Contact for more information or call (757) 668-7165.
NICU Journey Bead Program
Our Journey Bead Program gives you the chance to document your baby’s stay in the NICU through colorful beads that tell their story. Over time, the necklace you create will become a true testimony of your baby’s individual experience in the NICU.
NICU Family Advisory Council
The NICU has a very active family advisory council, made up of parents of NICU grads and bedside nurses. They work together to make positive changes in the NICU. Some of their projects include the NICU wall of fame, the NICU reunion, the journey bead program, and NICU University.
Here is some advice to you from our family advisory council parents:
- Stay connected, it will help you bond with your baby. Visit as much as possible and call when you can’t visit. Try to establish a routine.
- When you call, ask for the schedule for the day including the best time to come in (during hands-on to participate) or the best time to do skin to skin care (S2S).
- Write down questions. Keep an ongoing list with you. A journal is also helpful and therapeutic.
- Meet the medical team and participate in rounds as often as possible. You will learn the plan and can advocate for your baby. Ask your baby’s nurse to help you come up with questions to ask at rounds.
- Take care of yourself.
- Ask the nurses to help you learn. This will help develop a trusting relationship with the nurses and give you confidence to care for your baby. You can change diapers, take temperatures, help change the isolette, perform oral care, and much more as your baby gets stronger.
- Watch your baby. Learn your baby’s signals so you can recognize when something isn’t right.
- Participate, practice, and observe. This will give you confidence when your baby goes home.
- Attend parent support groups/classes for additional support, education, and to meet other NICU parents.