Help Is Always Here

Members of your support team include social workers, parent support coordinators, chaplains, and lactation consultants, whose roles are described in The NICU Team. But NICU families often can use more help. Below are some of the other ways in which CHKD can help.

Read: The NICU Parents Guide

Classes and Calendar

CHKD's NICU offers a variety of classes and events designed to aid you in the process.

Healthy Mommy Healthy Baby

CHKD’s Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby support group helps new and expectant mothers and their families overcome anxiety and depression by providing free support, information and resources. This group meets on the first Tuesday afternoon of every month, specifically for NICU moms, as well as on the third Wednesday evening of every month for all moms.

Contact for more information or call (757) 668-7165. 

The NICU 101 Blog

Parents, staff and medical providers offer insight, advice and tips on how to cope with the stresses and events that arise in the NICU.

NICU Journey Bead Program

Our Journey Bead Program gives you the chance to document your baby’s stay in the NICU through colorful beads that tell their story. Over time, the necklace you create will become a true testimony of your baby’s individual experience in the NICU.