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Daughter sitting in her dad's lap reading and laughing together
Dads in Action

Our Virtual Dads in Action resources are designed to help all dads gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to raise happy, healthy children.

Dads In Action

Our Virtual Dads in Action resources are designed to help all dads gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need when bringing baby home and in the years that follow.

Talking Fatherhood Podcasts with Andrew and Bryson

Join Andrew and Bryson on their fatherhood journey. Listen in on their conversations and gain valuable insights into raising happy and healthy kids.

CHKD's fatherhood consultant Z. Andrew Jatau shares his insights, trials, and triumphs in parenting  and offers timeless guidance on various topics that are sure to be of interest to dads.

Five Minute Fatherhood Talks

Being a dad is an important job. These five minute talks cover content dads are concerned about such as family of origin, confident fathering skills, fathers and discipline, and more. The good news is, you can listen to them at your convenience.

Listen Here