The following are some of the specially-trained healthcare professionals who will be involved in the care of your baby.
Pediatricians who have advanced
training and are certified in the care of the premature and sick newborn
Resident physicians
Doctors who are in advanced training in the care of infants and children.
Consulting physicians
Doctors with specialized training in other areas of pediatric medicine, such as cardiology, infectious diseases, and surgery.
Neonatal nurse practitioners
Registered nurses with advanced training who work with the neonatologists to medically manage your infant.
Registered nurses
Nurses who are specially trained in the care of premature and critically ill infants.
Respiratory therapists
Individuals specially trained in the operation of ventilators and other devices that deliver oxygen and assist infants with breathing.
Developmental care specialist
A registered nurse with advanced training in infant development.
Pediatric advanced care team coordinator
A registered nurse with advanced training in infant pain and
comfort measures.
with special training in the dosing and management of infant medications.
Social workers
Clinical social workers are part of the team for each baby and family. They provide
emotional support and counseling for families and information on resources
that may be helpful, both in the hospital and at home.
Speech, occupational and physical therapists
Individuals with advanced training to assist your
infant’s development in the following areas: language skills, fine and
gross motor skills, cognitive skills and social skills.
Case managers
nurses specially trained to assist with insurance needs and other questions
that arise. They coordinate medical follow-up and home care needs at the
time of discharge.
Lactation consultants
Registered nurses with advanced training to help mothers meet breastfeeding
Registered dietitian
Often called a “nutritionist,” the RD manages the calories, protein, vitamins
and minerals that your baby needs to grow and heal. The dietitian will plot your
baby on a growth chart to monitor your baby’s weight gain, head growth, and
length throughout their NICU stay. At discharge, the dietitian will teach you
how to prepare any breast milk or formula at home.
Parent support coordinators
Parents who have gone through the experience of a hospitalized infant in the
NICU and are now using that experience to help other NICU parents.
Chaplain are
available to meet your spiritual and emotional needs and to offer support to
you, your family and your child.
Other members of
the medical team include: nursing care partners (NCP), x-ray techs, NICU
educators, secretaries, NICU managers, child life specialists, and volunteers.
Here to Help
Many people are here to assist you, including our clinicians, chaplains, nutritionists, lab technicians, X-ray technicians, parent support coordinators, unit secretaries, receptionists, housekeepers, educators, and clinical nurse specialists.